Blended learning is the No. 1 training method for businesses. But which content is really suitable for the offline-online combination? We show which topics and areas of application work best for blended learning in practice:
You can use blended learning in a variety of ways: Essentially, it’s a learning concept suitable for almost all industries and business areas where theoretical knowledge and practical application are equally important. There are, of course, some topics that are particularly amenable to further training with blended learning.
Blended learning topics proven in practice
The following three topics for blended learning come directly from real life: We have been supporting many medium-sized and large companies with the learning platform for years. In the process, we repeatedly encounter these three topics for blended learning in particular:
- Onboarding
- Sales
- Soft skill training
At first glance, these three topics may not have much in common. But a second glance reveals why they are particularly well suited for blended learning: Both in the onboarding of new employees and in customer contact and the further development of personal skills, theoretical fundamentals and practical application must mesh perfectly.
This is why both e-learning and pure face-to-face seminars are usually ineffective for all three topics: With e-learning, the transfer into practice falls by the wayside. With pure face-to-face seminars, on the other hand, the preponderance of theory is often a guarantee for bored, unmotivated participants.
Let's take a look at the three topics - and how they work as blended learning:
1. Why onboarding as blended learning?
"Blended onboarding" is used, for example, at SNIPES, one of Europe's leading streetware companies - and also by us on the team.
This area of application may seem unusual to you: Onboarding does not fall into what’s typical for"continuing education". Usually, onboarding takes place "on the side" and on site, at the workplace. In this case, an experienced employee or a manager is responsible as a contact person.
However, blended learning can simplify this process for the support person, the new employee and your company alike.
Onboarding: Online content
- Processes and regulations relevant to all new employees
- Thematic basics for the specific work area
- Supportive instructions for getting started in the new workplace
Onboarding: In-person content
- Thematic sessions with an experienced employee or supervisor
- Clarification of questions, problems and challenges
- Joint exercises on the basics from the online course
This combination of online course and personal support guarantees you a consistent quality of onboarding for all employees. Plus, "blended onboarding" gives you a consistent knowledge base on which to build continuing education. This makes onboarding an increasingly popular topic for blended learning.
2. Why sales as blended learning?
In sales, not only SNIPES relies on blended learning, but also automotive giant DAIMLER, and more and more affiliates of SPARKASSE.
Whether in retail, banking or insurance, direct customer contact is the focus in all these areas. To ensure that it runs smoothly and consistently throughout the company, both basic theoretical knowledge and practical guidance are required.
Sales: Online content
- Organizational information for classroom training
- Theoretical basics such as sales concepts, company-specific processes and guidelines
- Introduction to the use of special software
Sales: In-person content
- Practical application of sales concepts using real examples
- Interactive exercises, including the customer perspective
- Exercises with coach directly on the sales floor (especially in retail)
Sales as blended learning: Today, sales and consulting are becoming increasingly digitalized - for customers and for employees.
By observing role plays or real sales and consulting conversations, coaches and supervisors can provide targeted feedback. In this way, a uniform mindset is established - and the employee receives additional, individualized training. That's why many companies choose these topics for blended learning.
3. Why soft-skills training as blended learning?
The Nordostdeutsche Sparkassenakademie NOSA has been using blended learning specifically for soft-skill training for some time.
Soft skills are not only important for managers and executives: Personal skills like teamwork and time management elevate your company at all levels. To do this, the fundamental behavioral changes need to be reinforced in a practical way.
Soft skills: Online content
- Survey of current status in self-assessment questionnaires
- Concepts and methods, for example for more creativity or project and time management
- Regular inspiration for correct implementation at the workplace
Soft skills: In-person content
- Practical exercises under the guidance of an experienced trainer
- Group exercises and discussions with colleagues
- Direct feedback and suggestions for self-reflection
Behavioral changes don’t magically happen after a few days in a seminar room: it often takes several weeks. This makes soft skills training a great topic for blended learning, where you can achieve sustainable results with long-term online follow-up.
Using onboarding, sales and soft skills as examples, you can see for yourself which topics are perfect for blended learning in companies:
- Topics that require a consistent knowledge base.
- Topics that allow employees individual leeway.
- Topics where professional guidance facilitates implementation in practice.
All of the companies mentioned use the learning platform to implement their blended learning concepts. Would you like to experience for yourself how such training works from the participant's point of view? Then join our free soft-skill training "Personal Productivity and Time Management" now!