"With blink.it, do I need an additional authoring tool to create my learning content?" We hear this question all the time. So we want to show you why blink.it is more than a classic LMS. Learn all about the features and why you don't need an additional authoring tool anymore, thanks to blink.it.
In the field of eLearning, the question always arises: LMS, authoring tool or another eLearning software? Especially when eLearning is to be newly introduced in the company, it is not always clear to L&D professionals what kind of tool is actually being sought.
What you choose depends on your needs. If you are currently looking for a suitable eLearning tool, you should know the difference between an LMS and an authoring tool:
Important: You may need both an LMS and an authoring tool. This depends on the particular tool: Some LMSs have no content creation capabilities at all and require an authoring tool. Likewise, there are authoring tools that do not have participant management and must be integrated into an LMS. Therefore, when choosing tools, pay attention to whether they depend on each other or, like blink.it, work "stand alone."
We often describe blink.it as "LMS light". This does not mean that blink.it has fewer features than a classic LMS. On the contrary: blink.it offers everything you need and still remains clearly structured! Pure LMS are often "spaceships" with a multitude of functions that you don't need in everyday life. With blink.it the rule is "as much as necessary, as little as possible."
With blink.it you have an authoring tool and LMS in one. To clarify what we mean by this, we have created an overview: In the table you can see all blink.it features summarized, divided into LMS and authoring tool features:
blink.it LMS features |
blink.it authoring tool features |
Participant management
Content creation
Learning support
SCORM integration
Bonus function: selling
Of course, we don't just talk about the many features of blink.it – we’ll show you proof. I'm going to introduce you to my six favorite features of the blink.it platform, from content creation to course management.
Want to get to know blink.it from a participant's perspective? Then sign up now for our demo course on "Personal Productivity" and take a look around at your leisure:
Create your own eLearning with blink.it in just a few clicks. Thanks to the clearly arranged tile design, you have all contents directly in view.
blink.it course overview: Create your own course directly in the learning platform // Source: blink.it
Use different media that fit your learning content. This makes eLearning fun and more effective at the same time.
Design your eLearning with a mix of videos, images, texts and links // Source: blink.it
Contact the participants of your eLearning regularly by mail. Conveniently welcome your participants by mail before the course starts and regularly remind them to continue working on the course.
Send regular targeted messages as a reminder and keep in touch with your participants. // Source: blink.it
Trust is good, control is sometimes better. Check your course stats regularly to see how far along your participants are with their learning. This way you know when your next reminder email should be sent.
Keep an eye on the learning progress of your course participants. // Source: blink.it
Knowledge exchange and discussions are especially important in eLearning. Ask and answer questions under the individual learning contents. You can upload files or rate contributions with a thumbs up or down.
Under learning content there is the possibility to exchange ideas in the comments. // Source: blink.it
There are many types of questions and settings that enable you to test the knowledge of your participants. Tests, quizzes or surveys – you can also create them to be anonymous, like in this example.
Evaluate your tests and quizzes to assess your students. // Source: blink.it
Are these insights compelling – you want to learn more about blink.it? Then book a free demo now and get to know the advantages for your own uses. Test the platform directly in the demo course – seen here in the examples – without obligation and from a participant's point of view. Have fun!